Le Poof Tour

Le Poof Tour

Since World Pride in 2019, I’ve been releasing LGBTQ themed duets with Stonewall Inn resident DJ, Chauncey Dandridge. We first started with an anthem to the mythical bar (our song plays before every drag show since), then went on to launching two singles a year, all about the ”gay” reality 50 years after the Stonewall riots…

This association has turned into a part time mini-tour in the US and Montreal…

Our events go as such: Chauncey spins, does his magic behind turn tables, bringing Manhattan sound wherever he is, I host, sing live, do solo numbers, tease the crowd and dance along with guests, and of course at some point C and I do one or a few of our duets…

Atmosphere is very ”Studio 54”, but with an all-inclusive door policy…